Are you a rehab professional looking to learn practical ways to imporve the lives of your older adults clients?

Or are you a care partner of an individual with dementia looking for tips on how to make their lives, and yours, just a little bit better?

This is the place for you!

"I just wanted to thank you for such a terrific and engaging course! That was without a doubt the most enjoyable 8 hours spent with my computer! Your passion for patient care and knowledge of this patient population was so wonderful to experience. I really appreciate the variety of sub-topics you covered and the depth of the entire course."

- Chelsea Wells, PTA

Hi, I’m Cathy Ciolek

I have been working to change hearts and minds about the experience of ageing for over 3 decades. Personally, I accidentally stumbled into a love for geriatrics having gone to PT school to work with kids. An internship cancellation changed the direction of my life (in more than ways than one) and I've never looked back.

These courses are developed from my experience as a clinician, educator and consultant. I've loved adapting these course based on feedback from attendees and hope you enjoy them as well.